Where children are challenged to be their personal best
Where children are challenged to be their personal best.
At Mawsley C.P School we promote an ethos where all children are challenged and supported to achieve their personal best academically and demonstrate their personal best through their interactions and relationships with our school and wider community. Through a reading rich curriculum children are provided with opportunities to overlearn and build knowledge. Children receive a specifically designed and well-sequenced curriculum which encourages them to make connections and provides opportunities for personal development. Enrichment projects develop the study skills of our children and enable children to share their talents and interests with the school community.
Three drivers have been selected to support children at Mawsley achieve their personal best based on our knowledge of our families and assessments of our children’s experiences and needs right from the beginning of their journey with us.
Community is a driver, because our school sits firmly at the heart of the Mawsley community and from the opening of our doors in 2004 we pride ourselves on the feel of a school family being tangible for staff, children and parents. Our role in raising good members of the community is secondary only to our parents' responsibility to their children and we consider both the local community, and also the global community, as our children are raised in the era of technology.
For more information about the intent, implementation and impact of our community driver, click here.
Diversity is a driver, because as a school which is predominantly White British, and in an area of low deprivation where pupils whose first language is not English is significantly lower than the national average, we have a duty to our children to ensure they are ready to be successful in not only a multi-cultural county and country but also are able to be well-prepared members of the global community. This includes respecting people from all walks of life e.g. those from the disabled and LGBTQ communities as well as cultural and religious communities.
For more information about the intent, implementation and impact of our diversity driver, click here.
Growth is a driver, because we are striving towards ambitious outcomes for all of our children. Alongside nurturing their personal desire to learn, we aim to prepare them for the world beyond our doors, transitioning into secondary education and inspiring them to achieve in the world of work.
For more information about the intent, implementation and impact of our growth driver, click here.
Curriculum intent – Our curriculum is planned progressively to enable our children to build knowledge across the curriculum and link their learning. The curriculum drivers of Community, Diversity and Growth are interwoven.
Curriculum implementation - Our drivers are woven through our curriculum which meets and exceeds the requirements of the National Curriculum due to the bespoke selection and sequencing of learning that subject leaders have developed.
Curriculum impact - The impact of our chosen drivers in our curriculum is monitored though triangulation of outcomes: pupil voice, test/data outcomes, planning, monitoring of books and displays, lesson learning walks, discussions with teaching staff, pupils and parents.
Pupils and staff are consulted about the curriculum and the impact that it makes. The desired outcomes of the curriculum will ensure that our children are respectful, accepting, independent and aspiring learners, ready to embark on their next stage of education be it a transition between key stages or their move onto secondary school.
For more information about the organisation our curriculum please click on the documents below:
Our Curriculum Whole School Curriculum Map Hub Curriculum Map Early Years Curriculum Map
Impact of our Curriculum
What impact looks like in Phase 1
Children will:
Begin to talk about new friends and adults they are building relationships with and how they can engage with them kindly.
Begin to know that everybody can play/join in and start to demonstrate this right positively.
Talk about mistakes they have made in their learning openly, without feeling disappointed.
What impact looks like in Phase 2
Children will:
Be able to verbalise what happy relationships look like both in school and out of school, including groups they belong to.
Begin to name a range of groups who must not be treated differently e.g. boys/girls/people from different countries/people from different families.
Show some resilience in difficult activities and begin to deal with frustrations successfully.
What impact looks like in Phase 3
Children will:
Start to develop their ability to talk about how to challenge negative stereotypes.
Talk confidently about their place in the school community and their responsibilities to others within it.
To talk about times when they have met with the wider community through a school project.
Be able to give specific strategies about how they deal with difficulties in their learning.
What impact looks like in Phase 4
Children will:
Articulately talk about groups such as different ethnicities, LGBTQ, special needs/disabilities with acceptance.
Begin to personally challenge stereotypes and show compassion where negative stereotypes are presented.
Talk about specific examples of how they have interacted with the wider community through school projects.
Feel well prepared (by school) for their transition to secondary school.