Where children are challenged to be their personal best
Statutory Information
From 1st September 2012 all schools need to present specified information to website visitors. Hard copies of all policies and reports on this website are available on request. Please ask at reception for more details.
Contact Details
The name, postal address and telephone number of the school, and the name of a person to whom enquiries should be addressed is:
Head Teacher : Miss Michelle Harris, Mawsley Community Primary School, Scholars Row, Mawsley, Kettering, Northants, NN14 1GZ.
The school can be contacted on 01536 799182.
SENCO: Miss Andrea Cox
Admission Arrangements
The admission arrangements for the school in relation to each relevant age group at the school, including any arrangements for selection, any oversubscription criteria and an explanation of the process of applying for a school place is provided by North Northamptonshire County Council and you will find this by clicking on the following link .
You will find full details of our Behaviour Policy by clicking on the button on the side bar.
Full details of our SEND policy can be found on the side bar. Please also click on the following link for parents to visit the Local Offer
You will also find details of our Accessibility Plan, Charging and Remissions Policy, Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy, Complaints Policy, Equality Policy and Information. Please click on the buttons on the side bar.
PE Sports Premium
Full details of our PE sports premium can be found by clicking on the button on the side of the page.
National Curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety:
swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
use a range of strokes effectively
perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.
Mawsley Year 6 cohort swimming attainment (2023-24)
Total Number of children; 48 in cohort
Number of children that passed requirements 43/48 (90%)
Number of children that did not pass requirements 5/48 (10%)
Values and Ethos
Our vision, aims and aspirations are to create a safe, happy and motivating environment where children are able to develop their knowledge and skills, make good progress and achieve high standards through shared expectations.
We aim:
- To provide a stimulating, challenging and inclusive curriculum working to achieve the highest standards in all we undertake.
To promote good role models in the pursuit of spiritual, social cultural and moral values.
To establish an atmosphere of praise and encouragement for children and adults.
To develop a sense of partnership and community between children, parents, staff and governors and members of the wider community.
To provide opportunities to develop cultural awareness.
To help our children use technology confidently and prepare children for what lies ahead in the next stage of their learning journey through life.
Governors' Information and duties
For all the information regarding the governing body please click here.
Financial Benchmarking
Please click on the link below to see the Financial Benchmarking for Mawsley School.