Where children are challenged to be their personal best
Healthy Lifestyle
As part of our "Keep me healthy" topic for PSHE learning we have developed our Healthy Me Passports to help our children keep a focus on physical and mental well being throughout the year.
Some of the activities will be accessed at school however all of the activities are designed so the children may access them in a home environment as well. There are a wide range of activities which support learning in many areas of the curriculum as well as offering some everyday opportunities for children to think about keeping physical fit, mentally healthy and possibly experiencing a new activity/place of interest.
Please find below the Healthy Passport for your child's year group and as you complete activities from the list you may want to take photographs or write in your child's homework book as a record of evidence. (For children in Reception the staff would love to see photos or videos uploaded to Tapestry as an ongoing record of your child's development at home).
We hope you have fun and look forward to seeing how many of the challenges the children accomplish over the year.