Where children are challenged to be their personal best
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Reading is so important for our children! It is also vital that they think about what they are reading as they are reading. A good way to help your child with this is to ask them questions. Click the links below to see some great ideas for questioning your child about their reading.

Great Resources...
Oxford Owl is a fantastic website, full of FREE e-books and ideas for supporting your child with their reading! Click on the image below to access the website...
Pie Corbett is a man who knows his stuff when it comes to reading and writing. At Mawsley CP School we use a scheme called Talk for Writing which he devised. We have even been lucky enough to welcome Pie into our school to support us further. As part of his recommendations for all schools, he has put together a list of essential books for each year group to read. These books are rich texts with relevant word content for each age group. Click on the relevant year group to view their essential books!

Supporting Reading at Home
We understand that the experience of reading at home can vary greatly from one parent to another, depending on many aspects. Some children are eager to read anything, others prefer to be read to, whilst some children don’t really seem very keen on reading at all.
Whatever your experience of home reading is, one thing is consistent for all children reading REALLY matters. In ALL areas of life and we want all our children at Mawsley to benefit from this.
Please find below various tips and ideas for reading at home:
Book Extracts
Our Vocabulary Intent at Mawsley School is:
For our children to be effective communicators:
For our children to articulate themselves well in speech
For our children to understand the meaning of reading
For our children to convey an effect to the reader through well chosen words in writing
There are many ways that you can support your child's developing vocabulary at home that
can be found on these links:
Please find below some websites to help with spellings:
Free downloadable spelling games for KS1 and 2:
Spelling Frame - to learn and test sounds from each year group:
Understanding the 'ough' sound:
Games and strategies to help with spelling:
Spelling strategies from a poor speller: