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At Mawsley Community Primary School, we aim to inspire our children to achieve their full potential in mathematics so that they can be successful at the next stage of their education and take their learning into the rest of their lives. We have adopted a mastery approach to the teaching and learning in mathematics. Mastery is an inclusive way of teaching that is grounded in the belief that all pupils can achieve in maths. A concept is deemed mastered when learners can represent it in multiple ways, can communicate solutions using mathematical language and can independently apply the concept to new problems.


After careful consideration, we chose to use the Power Maths Scheme to help us implement our mathematics vision. Power Maths is recommended by the DFE, models growth mindset behaviours using maths characters and uses high quality textbooks and online resources. It is fully aligned to a mastery approach as it breaks down concepts into small sequenced steps, to support and challenge the children’s understanding, in line with the high expectations of the National Curriculum.


At Mawsley Community Primary School, we aim to produce independent, confident, skilled and resilient mathematicians who will be able to:


  • Reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language.

  • Solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non- routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions

  • Be active and independent learners who understand the high expectations we set for them

  • Be happy to make mistakes and understand that mistakes are valuable and that we learn by making mistakes

  • Know and remember more through linking in lessons to prior learning.

  • Be fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics and are able to recall and apply their knowledge rapidly and accurately to problems

  • Appreciate the contribution made by many cultures to the development and application of mathematics

  • Use their mathematical skills in other subjects such as Art and Science

  • Understand Mathematical competency is an important requirement for many future careers and is highly valued by the world of industry and higher education

  • Discuss their understanding by using correct mathematical vocabulary


We believe that together, both staff and children are building a whole new culture of deeper understanding, confidence and competence in maths – a culture that produces strong, secure learning and real progress: can do maths!

Mathematical websites


There are literally hundreds of great websites with activities that range from exciting games to help consolidate new concepts and develop fluency to explanatory videos which can explain a concept if it has not been understood. Here are a few that I think are really helpful:


Transum mathematics – this is a great website for parents and children as you can practise times tables but it also has a range of activities for all abilities in all topics.


Maths snacks videos- a great way to extend and challenge your children.


Iseemaths has maths lessons you can access and in their free resources I particularly love their 3 act maths activities which really push the children’s thinking.


Mathigon is one of my all-time favourites. Innovative games and resources and the polypad programme allows the children to use virtual manipulatives. You can set up a free account or if your child’s class teacher uses the programme they can enter a class code which allows their class teacher to view and set work.


Mathsisfun provides great explanations and examples for tricky concepts but there are also games and quizzes too.


The Same but different website is great for providing prompts for mathematical discussion and has been used in school by phase 2, so the children should be familiar with it.


These are just a few of my favourites but please do let me know if there are others you have used and would recommend.


Miss Childs




Tasty maths challenge


All year groups will be starting the new academic year by developing the children’s understanding of number and place value. Why not work with your child on one of them and help them to develop their mathematical thinking and problem solving. Please send in any solutions and we will post as many as we can in ‘Maths Corner’.


Key stage 2


There are six numbers written in five different scripts.


Can you sort out which is which?


Write 51 in each script.



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Key stage 1


You have a set of the digits from 0 - 9.




Can you arrange these digits in the five boxes below to make two-digit numbers as close to the targets as possible? You may use each digit once only.






















How will you know that your solution is as close to the targets as possible?

You could use this interactivity to try out your ideas.

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How to help support your child at home

How to help develop your child at home

Mathematics Policy

If you have any questions about Mathematics at Mawsley CP School, please don't hesitate to contact Miss Childs using the form below:

Thanks! Message sent.

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