Where children are challenged to be their personal best
Brain Boost provides us with an opportunity to do something different and extend the children’s learning in a new and exciting way! Every year we review what projects to plan taking into account any national or international events that are happening, the children’s interests and areas we as staff think the children could develop further.
We introduced Brainboost Friday to our curriculum to provide more opportunities for children to develop these key skills. The projects have been wide ranging and enabled children to work in groups that include children from all age groups in our school on skills that are exciting and innovative! They have had the opportunity to work with a range of adults in school as well as lots of community volunteers!
The inclusion of Brainboost in our timetable enables us to offer our children another creative way of learning through topics they might not normally cover whilst practicing and developing the key skills of the National Curriculum; Communication; Application of number; Information Technology; Working with others; Improving own performance and Problem Solving.
This year our Brain boost topics are:
Phase 2
(Years 1 and 2)
Phase 3
(Years 3 and 4)
Phase 4
(Years 5 and 6)
Term 1
Discovering Resilience
Explore the Graduate Programme and Study Skills required
Building reliance and initiative through Go Curiosity projects
Term 2
Exploring performance: Christmas Play
Discovering Resilience
Building reliance and initiative through Go Curiosity projects
Term 3
What did the tree hear?
Inspired from a book study of 'What did the tree see?'
Phase 2
(Years 1 and 2)
Phase 3
(Years 3 and 4)
Phase 4
(Years 5 and 6)
Term 4
Inspired from a visit from a Performance Poet
Term 5
The Queen's Platinum Jubilee
Culminating in a red, white and blue tea party
Term 6
Creating an Arts Festival
Culminating in an Arts Festival where creations will be shared